
Write a Better Resume

A solid resume is still the best way to present yourself to a prospective employer. But the form and format of the resume will need a few new twists.

Stay concise. If you can’t present a cohesive and coherent summary of your professional career and abilities on one page, something is wrong.

Your resume should clearly show your experience: what you’ve done, where, and for whom. Listing all of your certifications is a must. Be sure to include your educational background, including any courses and training you’ve received outside of the traditional school setting. You will also need backup documentation as proof of your training and certifications. Get organized and gather this paperwork as you build your resume; you don’t want to be looking for it on the way to your job interview.

Don’t get cute. Make your resume readable, concise and to the point. Fancy graphics or lettering is a distraction. Stick to the facts.

Once you’re happy with your resume, get a second opinion. Ask a colleague or friend or professional counselor to review your resume for content, accuracy, and style.

In addition to a printed resume, make sure you have an electronic version that you can email as an attachment, or paste in the body of your email message.