
Take Our 2012 NDT Salary Survey Now

The 2012 PQNDT Salary & Benefit Survey for the Nondestructive Testing and Quality Inspection industry is now open. Participation in the survey is open to U.S.-based NDT and Quality professionals in any industry, whether full-time or contractors.

You can access the survey on-line at:

 Click Here to Take the 2012 Salary Survey

The survey will be open and accepting input through September 30, 2012.

The PQNDT salary and benefits survey has been an important benchmark for the NDT industry since its inception in 1994. The survey provides a “snapshot” of compensation and benefits in the Nondestructive Testing and Quality Inspection fields, including a compilation of data by region, industry and NDT certification level.

I will be presenting the results of our 2012 NDT Salary & Benefits Survey at the ASNT Fall Conference in Orlando at the end of October. Complete results will also be provided to all participants.

Over the years participation in our survey has grown tremendously, allowing us to present a more complete and accurate profile of NDT industry compensation. Your input is greatly valued and appreciated.

Please log in by clicking here today to be a part of this important survey.